
参考(WoW Wiki)

(RFC)Ragefire Chasm

Hidden EnemiesDurotarOrgrimmarThrall
The Power to DestroyTrisfal GradesUndercityRoyal Quater
Returning the Lost SatchelMulgoreThunder BluffElder Rise
Testing an Enemies Strength.MulgoreThunder BluffElder Rise
Slaying the BeastDurotarOrgrimmarCleft of Shadow

(WC)Wailing Caverns

Hamuul Runetotem
SerpentbloomMulgoreThunder BluffThe Pools of Vision(NW)
Trouble at the DocsThe BarrensRatchet63,37
Smart DrinksThe BarrensRatchet62,37
Deviate EradicationThe BarrensWC入り口上の洞窟(Ebru)
Deviate HidesThe BarrensWC入り口上の洞窟(Nalpak)
Smart Drinks
Raptor Horns
Hamuul Runetotem
The Forgotten Pools->The Stagnant Oasis->Altered Beings

(SFK)Shadowfang Keep

Deathstalkers in ShadowfangSilverpine ForestSepulcher地下
Arugal Must DieSilverpine ForestSepulcher地上
The Book of UrTrisfal GladesUndercity53,54
The Orb of Soran'ruk(Wlk only)

(BFD)Blackfathom Deeps

The Essence of Aku'MaiAshenvaleZoram'gar Outpost
Amongst the RuinsAshenvaleZoram'gar Outpost

(RFK)Razorfen Kraul

Blueleaf TubersThe BarrensRatchet62,37


(SM)Scarlet Monastery

Hearts of Zeal
Compendium of the FallenMulgoreThunder Bluff34,46
Info The Scarlet MonasteryTrisfal GradesUndercity/Royal Quarter56,92

(RFD)Razorfen Downs

A Host of EvilThe Barrensnear Razorfen Downs
An Unholy AllianceTrisfal GradenUndercity/Royal Quarter56,92
Scourge of the DownsThe Barrensin Razorfen Downs
Bring the End
Extinguishing the idol


Solution to DoomBadlandsAgmond's End51,77
Necklace Recovery
Necklace Recovery Take 2DurtorOrgrimmar59,36
Uldaman Reagent Run
ReclaimedTreasures?Trisfal GardenUndercity/Bad Handler
Power Stones


Gahz'rillaThousand NeedlesShimmering Flats78,77
Troll TemperTanarisGadgetzan51,28
Tran'rekStranglethron ValeBooty Baysakaba
Tiara of the DeepDustwallow MarshThe Quagmire46,57
Tabetha's TaskDurtorOrgrimmar38,86


Amongst the RuinsAshenvaleZoram'gar OutpostJe'neu Sancrea


Shadowshard FragmentsDurtorOrgrimmar38,85

(Temple)The Temple of Atal'Hakkar

Blackrock Depths

Blackrock Spire


Sunken Temple

The Sunken TempleFaralasCamp Mojache74,43

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Last-modified: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 00:46:56 JST (6318d)