
:参考(WoW Wiki)|http://www.wikihouse.com/wow/index.php?Instance%28Horde%29


*(RFC)Ragefire Chasm [#n78c911b]
|Hidden Enemies              |Durotar       |Orgrimmar    |Thrall|
|The Power to Destroy        |Trisfal Grades|Undercity    |Royal Quater|
|Returning the Lost Satchel  |Mulgore       |Thunder Bluff|Elder Rise|
|Testing an Enemies Strength.|Mulgore       |Thunder Bluff|Elder Rise|
|Slaying the Beast           |Durotar       |Orgrimmar    |Cleft of Shadow|

*(WC)Wailing Caverns [#vefe208e]
|Hamuul Runetotem   |||
|Serpentbloom       |Mulgore    |Thunder Bluff|The Pools of Vision(NW)|
|Trouble at the Docs|The Barrens|Ratchet|63,37|
|Smart Drinks       |The Barrens|Ratchet|62,37|
|Deviate Eradication|The Barrens|WC入り口上の洞窟(Ebru)||
|Deviate Hides      |The Barrens|WC入り口上の洞窟(Nalpak)||

:Smart Drinks|Raptor Horns
:Hamuul Runetotem|The Forgotten Pools->The Stagnant Oasis->Altered Beings

*(SFK)Shadowfang Keep [#v98f3d0d]
|Deathstalkers in Shadowfang|Silverpine Forest|Sepulcher|地下|
|Arugal Must Die            |Silverpine Forest|Sepulcher|地上|
|The Book of Ur             |Trisfal Glades   |Undercity|53,54|
|The Orb of Soran'ruk(Wlk only)|||

*(BFD)Blackfathom Deeps [#v7745d37]
|The Essence of Aku'Mai|Ashenvale|Zoram'gar Outpost||
|Amongst the Ruins     |Ashenvale|Zoram'gar Outpost||

*(RFK)Razorfen Kraul [#v32a59c3]
|Blueleaf Tubers    |The Barrens|Ratchet|62,37|

*Gnomeregan [#v4cfa8ae]

*(SM)Scarlet Monastery [#n9cb6127]
|Hearts of Zeal||||
|Compendium of the Fallen  |Mulgore       |Thunder Bluff|34,46|
|Info The Scarlet Monastery|Trisfal Grades|Undercity/Royal Quarter|56,92|

*(RFD)Razorfen Downs [#ve578793]
|A Host of Evil    |The Barrens   |near Razorfen Downs||
|An Unholy Alliance|Trisfal Graden|Undercity/Royal Quarter|56,92|
|Scourge of the Downs|The Barrens |in Razorfen Downs||
|Bring the End||||
|Extinguishing the idol||||

*Uldaman [#v6ae61e3]
|Solution to Doom        |Badlands|Agmond's End|51,77|
|Necklace Recovery||||
|Necklace Recovery Take 2|Durtor        |Orgrimmar|59,36|
|Uldaman Reagent Run     ||||
|ReclaimedTreasures      |Trisfal Garden|Undercity/Bad Handler||
|Power Stones            ||||

*(ZF)Zul'Farrak [#ve698414]
|Gahz'rilla  |Thousand Needles|Shimmering Flats|78,77|
|Troll Temper|Tanaris         |Gadgetzan       |51,28|
|Tran'rek    |Stranglethron Vale|Booty Bay |sakaba|
|Tiara of the Deep|Dustwallow Marsh|The Quagmire|46,57|

*Ashenvale [#v5519b59]
|Amongst the Ruins|Ashenvale|Zoram'gar Outpost|Je'neu Sancrea|

*Maraudon [#nb53d097]

*(Temple)The Temple of Atal'Hakkar [#a21abd3b]

*Blackrock Depths [#q71c4024]

*Blackrock Spire [#k5eec904]

*(Scholo)Scholomance [#z650b403]

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