*QuestMemo [#vaf3d927]
 **Ashenvale [#ncdea7d9]
 -[[The Essence of Aku'Mai]]
 -[[Stonetalon Standstill]]
 -[[King of the Foulweald]]
 -[[Satyr Horns]]
 -[[Amongst the Ruins]]
 **Blackfathom Deeps [#a8592555]
 -[[Allegiance to the Old Gods]]
 -[[Blackfathom Villainy]]
 **Hillsbrad Foothills [#q0f1e087]
 -[[Elixir of Suffering]]
 -[[The Rescue]]
 -[[WANTED:Syndicate Personnel]]
 -[[Battle of Hillsbrad]]
 -[[Humbert's Sword]]
 **Orgrimmar [#k0917ef5]
 -[[Hidden Enemies]]
 -[[Hidden Enemies]]
 **Siverpine Forest [#v1c339ea]
 -[[Arugal's Folly]]
 --S:The Sepulcher
 -[[Lost Deathstalkers]]
 --S:The Sepulcher(地下)
 --Silverpine Forest-TheIvar Patch(53,13)
 -[[Wild Hearts]]
 --S:[[Lost Deathstalkers]]
 --Silverpine Forest北部(56,8あたり)にいるMottled Worgを狩る
 --The Sepulcherに届ける
 -[[Return to Quinn]]
 --S:[[Wild Hearts]]
 -[[Ivar the Foul]]
 --Silverpine Forestの北農家前の男
 -[[The Dead Fields]]
 --S:The Sepulcher(地下)
 --Silverpine Forest(45,21)あたりにいるBansheeぽいのを倒す
 -[[The Decrepit Ferry]]
 --S:[[The Dead Fields]]
 --Silverpine Forest(58,34)のボートを調べる
 -[[Rot Hide Clues]]
 --S:[[The Decrepit Ferry]]
 --The Sepulcherに届けるだけ
 -[[Rot Hide Ichor]]
 --S:[[Rot Hide Clues]]
 --Sivlerpine Forestの小島(67,33)にいるやつらを倒して手に入れる
 --The Sepulcherに届ける
 -[[Rot Hide Origin]]
 --S:[[Rot Hide Ichor]]
 -[[Thule Ravenclaw]]
 --S:[[Rot Hide Origin]]
 -[[Assult on Fenris Isle]]
 --S:[[Thnele Ravenclaw]]から
 -[[Resting in Pieces]]
 --Silverpine Forestの小島にあるKeepの門番(65,25)を倒すとクエストアイテムを落とした。
 -[[The Hidden Niche]]
 --[[Resting in Pieces]]の続き
 -[[The Engraved Ring]]
 -[[Raleigh and the Undercity]]
 --[[The Engraved Ring]]
 -[[A Husband's Revenge]]
 --[[Raleigh and the Undercity]]から
 --Silverpine Forestの最南The Greymane WallにいるValdredを倒す。
 -[[Deathstalkers in Shadowfang]]
 --S:The Sepulcher(地下)
 **Stonetalon Mountains [#zf5d3010]
 -[[Further Instructions]]
 -[[Jin'Zil's Forest Magic]]
 **Tirisfal Grades [#v2165589]
 --Brill北のRot Hide Mongrelを倒す
 -E:[[Wanted:Maggot Eye]]
 **The Barrens [#zbd8d1ff]
 -[[Chen's Empty Keg]]
 -[[Betrayal from Within]]
 -[[Blueleaf Tubers]]
 *Complete Quest [#v2d70b7c]
 **Siverpine Forest [#v1c339ea]
 -[[Beren's Peril]]
 -[[The Weaver]]
 **Stonetalon Mountains [#zf5d3010]
 -[[The Elder Crone]]
 -[[Shredding Machines]]
 -[[Super Reaper 6000]]
 -[[Further Instructions]]
 **The Barrens [#nc698510]
 -[[Ziz Fizziks]]
 -[[Egg Hunt]]

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