QuestMemo? †
Ashenvale †
- The Essence of Aku'Mai?
- Stonetalon Standstill?
- King of the Foulweald?
- Satyr Horns?
- Amongst the Ruins?
Blackfathom Deeps †
- Allegiance to the Old Gods?
- Blackfathom Villainy?
Hillsbrad Foothills †
Orgrimmar †
- Hidden Enemies?
- Hidden Enemies?
Siverpine Forest †
- Lost Deathstalkers?
- S:The Sepulcher(地下)
- Silverpine Forest-TheIvar? Patch(53,13)
- Wild Hearts?
- S:Lost Deathstalkers?
- Silverpine Forest北部(56,8あたり)にいるMottled Worgを狩る
- The Sepulcherに届ける
- Return to Quinn?
- Ivar the Foul?
- Silverpine Forestの北農家前の男
- スグ隣にある納屋にいるボスを倒す。
- The Dead Fields?
- S:The Sepulcher(地下)
- Silverpine Forest(45,21)あたりにいるBansheeぽいのを倒す
- The Decrepit Ferry?
- S:The Dead Fields?
- Silverpine Forest(58,34)のボートを調べる
- Rot Hide Clues?
- S:The Decrepit Ferry?
- The Sepulcherに届けるだけ
- Rot Hide Ichor?
- S:Rot Hide Clues?
- Sivlerpine Forestの小島(67,33)にいるやつらを倒して手に入れる
- The Sepulcherに届ける
- Rot Hide Origin?
- S:Rot Hide Ichor?
- Undercityに届ける
- Thule Ravenclaw?
- Assult on Fenris Isle?
- Resting in Pieces?
- Silverpine Forestの小島にあるKeepの門番(65,25)を倒すとクエストアイテムを落とした。
- 塔の南東にある墓で体を拾う
- The Hidden Niche?
- The Engraved Ring?
- Raleigh and the Undercity?
- A Husband's Revenge?
- Raleigh and the Undercity?から
- Silverpine Forestの最南The Greymane WallにいるValdredを倒す。
- Deathstalkers in Shadowfang?
Stonetalon Mountains †
Tirisfal Grades †
- E:Graverobbers?
- Brill宿屋
- Brill北のRot Hide Mongrelを倒す
- E:Wanted:Maggot Eye
- Brill宿屋横Wanted
- Brill北(58,30)
The Barrens †
- Chen's Empty Keg?
- Betrayal from Within?
- Blueleaf Tubers?
Complete Quest †
Siverpine Forest †
Stonetalon Mountains †
The Barrens †